Apparently the police in Suðurnes had their hands full with moving violations over the weekend, including what sounds like some sort of clown car packed with way more people than it should have been carrying 🙂

Fimm í tveggja manna bíl
Five in a two-man car

Þónokkur umferðarbrot áttu sér stað í umdæmi Lögreglunnar á Suðurnesjum nú um helgina. Meðal annars stöðvaði lögregla bíl sem skráð var fyrir tvo, einn farþega auk ökumanns, en í bílnum voru alls fimm. Einn sat í farþegasæti, tveir aftur í og einn í farangursrýminu, að því er fram kemur í skýrslu lögreglunnar.

There were several traffic violations this weekend in the police district in Sudurnes. Among them, police stopped a car meant for two people, one passenger in addition to the driver, which contained five in total. One sat in the passenger seat, two in the backseat, and one in the trunk, according to the police report.

að stöðva – to stop
present past
ég stöðva stöðvaði
þú stöðvar stöðvaðir
það stöðvar stöðvaði
við stöðvum stöðvuðum
þið stöðvið stöðvuðuð
þau stöðva stöðvuðu
lögregla (f) – police
singular plural
nom lögregla lögreglur
acc lögreglu lögreglur
dat lögreglu lögreglum
gen lögreglu lögreglna

I don’t know what kind of car this was, maybe the “back seat” wasn’t meant for people, just a small area to stash a few items. I thought the phrase aftur í was interesting for some reason 🙂 Note the preposition auk takes the genitive.

Ökumaður var einnig stöðvaður í umdæmi lögreglunnar um helgina fyrir að aka án bílbeltis. Við nánari athugun kom í ljós að maðurinn var undir áhrifum kannabisefna og að hann hafði aldrei öðlast ökuréttindi.

A driver was also stopped in this district over the weekend for driving without a seat belt. Upon further inspection it became apparent that the man was under the influence of marijuana and had never obtained a driver’s license.

að öðlast – to get, obtain
present past
ég öðlast öðlaðist
þú öðlast öðlaðist
það öðlast öðlaðist
við öðlumst öðluðumst
þið öðlist öðluðust
þau öðlast öðluðust
áhrif (n) – influence
singular plural
nom áhrif áhrif
acc áhrif áhrif
dat áhrifi áhrifum
gen áhrifs áhrifa

Of note is that in the phrase under the influence (of), influence is used in the plural. I don’t run into öðlast very often; not sure if it is more formal, or how it differs from or or hljóta.

Þá fjarlægði lögregla alls níu númeraplötur af ótryggðum eða óskoðuðum bifreiðum. Einnig var einn ökumaður sektaður fyrir að keyra á nagladekkjum.

Police removed a total of nine license plates from uninsured or uninspected cars. One driver was also fined for driving on studded tires.

So to make a studded tire (dekk), just add nails (nagli) 🙂 At least I think that’s the right nail – there’s also nögl (fingernail) which forms the genitive plural with nagla, but nagli seems to make more sense.

þónokkur -> talsverður adj         considerable, significant
umferðar·brot n                    traffic offense
eiga sér stað                      happen, occur
um·dæmi n                          district
far·þegi m                         passenger
ökumaður m                         motorist, driver
farangur m                         luggage, baggage
rými n                             space, room
skýrsla f                          report
at·hugun f                         examination, scrutiny
öðlast v                           obtain, get
réttindi n pl                      license
fjar·lægja v (acc)                 remove
sekta v (acc)                      fine
nagla·dekk n                       studded tire