
Bushmills, an Irish whisky maker, has produced a special batch of their whisky for the Icelandic band Of Monsters and Men. The whisky comes from casks made of wood from the respective birth years of each of the band’s members. OMAM were the headliners at the recent music festival held by Bushmills each year.

Framleiða Of Monsters and Men viskí
Of Monsters and Men Whisky Produced

Írska brugghúsið Bushmills hefur framleitt nokkrar flöskur af sérstöku Of Monsters and Men viskíi. Hljómsveitin var aðalnúmerið á Buschmills –tónlistarhátíðinni í síðasta mánuði, en fyrirtækið heldur hátíðina árlega.

Irish distiller Bushmills has produced a few bottles of special Of Monsters and Men whisky. The band was the headliner at the Bushmills music festival last month, which is held every year.

Bruggmeistarinn Colum Egan hjá Buschmills þróaði tegundina og hafa nú verið framleiddar sex flöskur af viskíinu, ein fyrir hvern meðlim hljómsveitarinnar.

Master distiller Colum Egan at Bushmills developed the blend and has produced six bottles of whisky, one for each member of the band.

Of Monsters and Men viskíið er gert úr hráefnum sem komið var fyrir í tunnum úr mismunandi viði árin 1987, 1989 og 1990, en það eru fæðingarár hljómsveitarmeðlima.

The Of Monsters and Men whisky is made from ingredients which were stored in casks made of different wood from the years 1987, 1989 and 1990, the years members of the band were born.

Þá sagði bruggmeistarinn að viskíið ætti vel við hljómsveitina, þar sem aðferðin sé byggð á gömlum hefðum og góðu handbragði.

The master distiller said the whisky should suit the band well, since the process is based on old traditions and good craftsmanship.

brugg (n)             brew, home brew
hrá·efni (n)          raw material
tunna (f)             barrel, cask, tun
viður (m)             wood, lumber
eiga við              suit, be suitable
að·ferð (f)           method
hefð (f)              tradition, custom
handbragð (n)         craftsmanship