Well, so not the real Mona Lisa, but a reproduction that was part of an art exhibition. Still sad to see an artist’s work defaced.
Mona Lisa numin á brott í björtu
Mona Lisa taken in broad daylight
Innsetningarverki á Klambratúni, sem ber heitið Nono Lisa, var stolið um miðjan dag á laugardag. Um er að ræða eftirprentun af Monu Lisu. Verkið var sýnt í menningarhúsinu Skúrnum.
A piece of an art installation in Klambratun park, which bears the name Nono Lisa, was stolen around midday on Saturday. At issue is a reproduction of the Mona Lisa. The work was on display in the cultural center “The Shed”.
“The Shed” literally is just that, it looks almost like a small shipping container from the pictures I found 🙂 A cool idea though for a place to display art. Also I imagine “cultural center” should be something else, but can’t think of the right word in this case.
In the title of the article, numin comes from the verb nema, and in the phrase nema (á) brott means to take away, remove.
Þegar sýningin var opnuð hafði rúða þegar verið brotin í skúrnum en listakonan að baki sýningunni, Sara Björnsdóttir, segir að hin brotna rúða hafi í raun þjónað verkinu betur en ef hún hefði verið óbrotin.
When the exhibition opened the window in the shed had already been broken, but the artist behind the exhibition, Sara Björnsdóttir, said the broken window actually worked better for the piece than if it hadn’t been broken.
The word skúr can also be a feminine noun meaning rain shower.
Hugsunin að baki verkinu var að sýna hve menningarsnautt samfélagið er. Sara segir að þrátt fyrir að þjófnaðurinn sanni í raun það sem hún hafi viljað segja með verkinu þá sé það engu að síður sárt að einhver hafi viljað skemma verk hennar.
Þjófnaðurinn hefur verið kærður til lögreglu en ekki er vitað hvar Mona Lisa er niður komin.
The idea behind the work was to show how culturally poor society was. Sara says that even though the theft actually proves what she was trying to say with the piece, it’s nevertheless disappointing that someone wanted to damage her work.
The theft has been reported to the police but it is unknown what has become of the Mona Lisa.
The word menningarsnautt probably has a better translation; it seems that -snauður is used to convey being deficient in something, as well as poor.
eftir·prentun f reproduction skúr m shed sýning f exhibition, performance rúða f window pane hugsun f thought, idea sam·félag n community, society sanna v (acc) prove, establish, demonstrate skemma v (acc) damage, spoil þjófnaður m theft, stealing, larceny