Kobeinsey, a tiny island off the North coast of Iceland, has been slowly disappearing. During a recent flyover by the Icelandic Coast Guard, it was discovered that the island is almost completely gone. A helicopter pad that had been built in 1989 was no longer visible. Get a look at it while you can 🙂
Kolbeinsey að hverfa
Kolbeinn’s island disappearing
Þyrla Landhelgisgæslunnar TF-LÍF fór í gæslu- og eftirlitsflug um Norðvestur- og Norðurmið í gær.
Coast guard helicopter TF-LIF went on a patrol and monitoring flight around the mid-North and Northwest regions yesterday.
Í tilkynningu frá Gæsluni segir að m.a. hafi verið flogið yfir Kolbeinsey – útvörðinn í Norðri en þar hafi tveir bátar verið að veiðum. Alls hafi sést til um 20 skipa á flugleiðinni og mikið hafi verið af makríl í sjó frá Eyjafirði, Húnaflóa inn Mjóafjörð og í Faxaflóa.
In an announcement from the Coast Guard is mentioned among other things that they had flown over Kolbeinn’s Island – the outpost in the North, where two boats were fishing. In all about 20 ships were spotted on the flight and there was a lot of mackerel in the sea from Eyjafjörður, Húnaflói in Mjóifjörður and in Faxaflói.
The verb að hverfa is pretty irregular, including the past participle – horfið. I think útvörður might also have some meanings similar to guard tower, or even a person who stands watch.
Maður seig úr TF-LÍF niður á Kolbeinsey og var ekki að sjá að þar hafi verið byggður þyrlupallur árið 1989 sem áhöfn varðskipsins Óðins og starfsmenn Vita- og Hafnamálastofnunar byggðu. Síðan hafi eyjan jafnt og þétt minnkað.
A man rappelled down from the TF-LIF onto Kolbeinn’s island, and the helicopter pad that had been built in 1989 by the crew of the patrol boat Odin and workers from Vitamálastofnun and Hafnamálastofnun couldn’t be seen. The island has been slowly shrinking since then.
The phrase jafnt og þétt is in my dictionary as meaning slowly and surely, in a steady flow.
Not completely sure about Vitamálastofnun and Hafnamálastofnun (obviously, since I didn’t translate them :)) Usually I can find a web site or something, but not this time. I think Vitamálastofnun might come from viti (lighthouse), and be something like a lighthouse authority? And Hafnamálastofnunar be something similar having to do with ports/harbors?
En Kolbeinsey er nánast að hverfa og hefur klofnað í tvennt. Hún er nyrsti punktur Íslands og var miðað við hana þegar landhelgin var færð út í 200 mílur árið 1976. Þegar eyjan var mæld árið 2001 var hún aðeins 90 fermetrar.
Kolbeinn’s Island has almost disappeared and has split in two. It is the northernmost point in Iceland and was measured when the territorial waters were extended out to 200 miles in 1976. When the island was measured in 2001 it was only 90 square meters.
I wasn’t sure about var miðað við hana here. Usually I think miðað við means compared with, but I don’t know the right way to translate it here.
Original notice from Landhelgisgæsla Íslands – TF-LIF flaug yfir Kolbeinsey – útvörðinn í Norðri
útvörður m outpost síga v sink, be lowered slowly pallur m platform á·höfn f crew varð·skip n patrol boat, coast guard ship viti m lighthouse nyrðri adj comp more northerly nyrsti adj sup northernmost fer·metri m square meter