Apparently Icelanders aren’t eating enough whole-grain bread, which is hard to believe, because that’s the first thing I’d be covering in smjör 🙂 Regardless, the Directorate of Health would like to remind you that it is in fact good for your health, and please try to eat more than the half-slice that Icelanders eat per day on average 🙂
Borðum of lítið af heilkornabrauði
We eat too little whole-grain bread
„Æskilegt er að landsmenn borði meira af grófum heilkornabrauðum og öðrum heilkornavörum til að stuðla að bættri heilsu,“ segir í frétt Landlæknis. Íslendingar borði aðeins hálf brauðsneið á dag að meðaltali.
“It is desirable that people eat more whole-grain bread and other whole-grain products to support improved health,” says news from the Directorate of Health. Icelanders eat only half a slice of bread per day on average.
„Rannsóknir benda til að neysla á grófu kornmeti dragi úr líkunum á hjarta- og æðasjúkdómum og sykursýki af tegund 2,“ segir Landlæknir. „Að auki hefur lengi verið vitað að trefjaríkar vörur hafa góð áhrif á meltinguna og benda rannsóknir til þess að neysla trefjaríkra vara úr jurtaríkinu dragi úr líkum á krabbameini í ristli.“
“Research indicates that consumption of coarse grains reduce the risk of heart and blood-vessel illness, and type-2 diabetes,” says the Directorate. “In addition it has long been known that fiber-rich products have a good influence on digestion, and research indicates that consumption of fiber-rich food from the plant world reduces the probability of colon cancer.”
I guess the most interesting thing I found in the article was the phrase draga úr líkunum, which I finally figured out was similar to reduce the risk/likelihood/probability.
So there you have it, straight from the Landlæknir – eat more bread! 🙂
korn n grain, cereal æski·legur adj desirable grófur adj coarse, rough stuðla v support, contribute to heilsa f health land·læknir m Directorate of Health sneið f slice, piece neysla f consumption líkur f pl probability æð f vein, blood vessel sykur·sýki f diabetes trefjar f pl fiber melting f digestion jurta·ríki n flora, the plant kingdom ristill m colon, large intestine