You may have followed the drama the past couple of days surrounding the cat that escaped from a plane at the Reykjavik airport. The main concern was that the cat was just passing through on its way to the U.S., and so hadn’t been through quarantine, which could pose a big risk if the cat were infected with anything and got into the local population. However all is well, Nuk was found safe and sound 🙂
Kötturinn Nuk fundinn: “Ég er mjög hamingjusöm“
Nuk the cat found: “I’m very happy”
Danski kötturinn Nuk, sem hefur verið leitað að síðasta sólarhring, er kominn í leitirnar og er hann heill á húfi.
Nuk the Danish cat, who has been sought for the past day, turned up and is safe and sound.
At first I was confused by er hann heill á húfi, because it’s clearly a female cat, so why not use hún? But I suppose if hann is referring to kötturinn, which is masculine, it makes sense, at least gramatically.
Nuk strauk úr einkaþotu eiganda síns á Reykjavíkurflugvelli í gærkvöldi og leituðu björgunarsveitarmenn meðal annars að læðunni þar sem hún hefur ekki farið í sóttkví. Eigandinn, Susanne Alsing, sagðist ætla að borga þeim sem myndi finna kisa 100 þúsund krónur.
Nuk ran from its owner’s private jet at Reykjavik airport last night, and searchers were looking for the cat additionally because it hadn’t been through quarantine. The owner, Susanne Alsing, said she would pay 100,000 kronur to whomever found the cat.
The prefix enka- usually means private when attached to things, like an airplane in this case.
Besides run away, strjúka can mean stroke or caress. Also amusing is that the verb að læðast means to sneak, prowl – just like a cat 🙂
En það er enginn sem fær þá upphæð þar sem hún fann köttinn sjálf. „Ég fann hana fyrir klukkustund síðan, hún var undir skýli hérna á flugvallarsvæðinu,“ segir hún í samtali við fréttastofu.
But no one will collect the sum since she found the cat herself. “I found her an hour ago, she was under a shed here at the airport,” she said in a conversation with the media.
Nuk var í góðu ásigkomulagi, en Susanne segir að hún hafi verið svolítið ringluð fyrst. „En hún er í lagi núna, ég er mjög hamingjusöm,“ segir hún.
Nuk was in good condition, but Susanne said she had been a little confused at first. “But she is all right now, I am very happy,” she says.
hamingjusamur adj happy koma í leitirnar turn up þota f jet (plane) læða f female cat sótt·kví f quarantine skýli n shed, shelter ásigkomu·lag n condition, state upp·hæð f sum, amount ringlaður adj confused, bewildered