

Vísir has an article about the upcoming berry season in Iceland, which is expected to begin in mid-August according to teacher and berry enthusiast Emilía Rafnsdóttir.

There are several good berry-related vocabulary words – all that’s missing is a pie recipe 🙂

Berin þroskuð um miðjan ágúst
Berries ripe around mid-August

Some excerpts:

Horfur á berjasprettu eru góðar, að mati Emilíu Rafnsdóttur, leikskólakennara og berjavinar, sem kannað hefur stöðuna í Borgarfirði og Eyjafirði.

Prospects are good for berry growing, in the estimation of Emilía Rafnsdóttir, grade-school teacher and berry enthusiast, who has been monitoring the situation in Borgarfjörður and Eyjafjörður.

„Það lofar mjög góðu með bláberin en þau verða þó ekki orðin almennilega þroskuð fyrr en um miðjan ágúst í landi sem ég á við Munaðarnes. Í hittifyrra var ég farin að tína bláber þar í lok júlí.“

“It is looking very promising for blueberries but they won’t be properly ripe before mid-August on the land I have by Munaðarnes. The year before last I had picked berries there at the end of July.”

So if you want to pick berries in Icelandic, the verb að tína is the word you are looking for:

að tína – to pick, gather, pluck
present past
ég tíni tíndi
þú tínir tíndir
það tínir tíndi
við tínum tíndum
þið tínið tínduð
þau tína tíndu

Emilía gerir ráð fyrir að vegna rigningartíðar á suðvesturhorninu í sumar verði bláberin þar ekki orðin nógu góð til tínslu fyrr en í lok ágúst.

Emilía figures that due to the rainy weather in the southwestern corner of the country this summer the blueberries won’t be good for picking before the end of August.

Here the noun related to að tína is seen – tínsla.

I looked up as many types of berries that I could find, but this is certainly not an exhaustive list:

blá·ber                  blueberry
bróm·ber                 blackberry
eini·ber                 juniper berry
hind·ber                 raspberry
hrúta·ber                brambleberry
jarðar·ber               strawberry
kirsu·ber                cherry
kræki·ber                crowberry
mór·ber                  mulberry
rauð·ber/rifs·ber        red currant
sól·ber                  black currant
stikils·ber              gooseberry
vín·ber                  grape

And of course they all decline like ber 🙂

ber (n) – berry
singular plural
nom ber ber
acc ber ber
dat beri berjum
gen bers berja

A phrase you may have run into (I think it’s in Colloquial Icelandic) is

að fara í berjamó – to go berry picking 🙂

þroskaður adj                mature, ripe
horfur f pl                  prospects, outlook
almenni·lega adv             properly, rightly
hitti·fyrra (n)              the year before last
tína v (acc)                 pick, gather, pluck
spretta (f)                  (rate of) growth
gera ráð fyrir               assume something