I love when a single word takes me off on a tangent, and one word leads to another, but in hindsight the path you took makes perfect sense 🙂 In this case it was the word logskornir, which came from the last sentence in a poem by Gyrðir Elíasson in his book Hér vex enginn sítrónuviður. The sentence was
Allir vængir hafa verið logskornir af flugvélunum
All the wings have been cut off the planes
Now I recognized skera meaning cut, but didn’t get the log part. As it turns out it comes from the root for flame or burn, which can be seen in words like
að loga – to burn
logi – flame
Now you can use a torch to weld something together or cut it apart, for which there are two verbs:
Yep, it’s log- in front of the verbs for cut and boil 🙂
Looking up the definitions in my Icelandic-Icelandic dictionary leads to more new words!
log·sjóða s · tengja málmfleti með því að bræða þá saman med gasloga
Which is roughly “joining metal pieces by melting them together with a gas flame”
Seeing málmur made me think of the upcoming movie Málmhaus (Metalhead), but I digress.
log·skera s · skera sundur málm með sérstöku tæki
Or “cutting apart metal with a special tool”
So this is where this little detour led me – I’m starting to think this Icelandic dictionary game could be useful. Just pick a word, read the definition, and use a word from the definition (that you ideally don’t already know) as the next entry to look up. Stop when you’ve learned every Icelandic word 🙂
log·suða f welding vængur m wing loga v burn logi m flame tengja v (acc) connect, join, link together flötur m surface sérstakur adj special, particular tæki n tool, implement bræðslumark n melting point haus m head