
The tree of the year has been chosen in Iceland, and it is a 17-meter high poplar from the garden at Freyshólar 🙂 It was planted 50 years ago by twin brothers who worked in the forestry service for just as long. The pair celebrated their 80th birthdays along with the reception of the award for their tree.

Alaskaösp valin tré ársins
Poplar chosen tree of the year

Sautján metra há alaskaösp var í dag útnefnd tré ársins. Öspin er í garðinum á Freyshólum á Völlum á Fljótsdalshéraði.

A seventeen meter high poplar was named tree of the year today. The poplar is in the garden at Freyshólar in Vellir, Fljótsdalshérað.

It took some digging to track down exactly which tree the article was talking about. Alaskaösp led me to Populus trichocarpa, and the article on the Skógræktarfélag Íslands page gave the exact species, Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa. I decided to just call it a poplar 🙂

ösp (f) – aspen, poplar
singular plural
nom ösp aspir
acc ösp aspir
dat ösp öspum
gen aspar aspa

The adjective valinn comes from the verb velja:

að velja – to select, choose
present past
ég vel valdi
þú velur valdir
það velur valdi
við veljum völdum
þið veljið völduð
þau velja völdu
að útnefna – to appoint, designate
present past
ég útnefni útnefndi
þú útnefnir útnefndir
það útnefnir útnefndi
við útnefnum útnefndum
þið útnefnið útnefnduð
þau útnefna útnefndu

It’s sometimes hard to figure out exactly where the place is that is being discussed. In this article the location of the tree is á Freyshólum á Völlum á Fljótsdalshéraði. As best I can tell, Freyshólar is actually a farm. It is located in Vellir, the name of a district (sveit) in Fljótsdalshérað, a municipality (sveitarfélag) in eastern Iceland.

Tvíburabræðurnir Baldur og Bragi Jónssynir frá Freyshólum gróðursettu tréð fyrir 50 árum og var útnefningin í dag tileinkuð áttræðisafmæli bræðranna, en skógurinn fyrir ofan Freyshóla er verk þeirra bræðra. Öspin er nú tæpir tveir metrar að ummáli.

Twin brothers Baldur and Bragi Jónsson from Freyshólar planted the tree 50 years ago and the award today was dedicated on the brothers’ 80th birthday; the woods over Freyshólar are a product of the brothers’ work. The poplar is now nearly two meters in circumference.

tví·buri is the word for twin – here it forms a compound with brothers. I imagine twin sisters would be tvíburasysturnar. Triplet would be þrí·buri…not sure how to continue the progression 🙂

tvíburi (m) – twin
singular plural
nom tvíburi tvíburar
acc tvíbura tvíbura
dat tvíbura tvíburum
gen tvíbura tvíbura
ummál (n) – circumference
singular plural
nom ummál ummál
acc ummál ummál
dat ummáli ummálum
gen ummáls ummála

Þeir hófu störf hjá Skógrækt ríkisins á Hallormsstað tvítugir að aldri og störfuðu þar samfleytt í 50 ár, til ársins 2003. Það er Skógræktarfélag Íslands sem stendur að útnefningu á tré ársins.

They began work at the Icelandic Forestry Service in Hallormsstaður at the age of 20, and worked there for 50 consecutive years until 2003. It is Skógræktarfélag Íslands which designates the tree of the year.

ösp (f)                   aspen, poplar
valinn adj                chosen, selected
út·nefna v                appoint
út·nefning (f)            appointment
gróður·setja v            plant
til·einka v               attribute, dedicate
átt·ræður adj             80 year old
um·mál (n)                circumference
sam·fleyttur adj          uninterrupted
standa að e-u             be behind sth