


Iceland will feature prominently in Sunday’s episode of The Simpsons entitled “The Saga Of Carl”… 🙂 When Homer and his buddies win the lottery in Springfield, Carl takes off to Iceland with the winnings, and they all end up in an adventure with appearances by the Northern Lights, elves, dwarves, and even Sigur Ros. This isn’t the first time Iceland has been mentioned on The Simpsons, apparently Matt Groening has been just as enchanted as the rest of us 🙂

Simpsons: nýtt veggspjald og sýnishorn
Simpsons – New Poster and Clips

“Nýtt veggspjald úr Simpsons-þættinum sem gerist að miklu leyti á Íslandi hefur verið birt. Þátturinn verður sýndur vestanhafs á sunnudag.”

“A new poster for a Simpsons episode that takes place in large part in Iceland has been published. The episode will be shown in North America on Sunday.”

vegg/spjald n (-spjalds,-spjöld)         poster
að miklu leyti                           in large part
vestan·hafs adv                          in North America

“Einnig hafa verið birt nokkur sýnishorn úr þættinum á YouTube. Þau má sjá hér fyrir neðan. Af þeim má ætla að norðurljósin, álfar og dvergar koma eitthvað við sögu. Áður hefur verið greint frá því að hljómsveitinni Sigur Rós bregði fyrir í þættinum auk þess sem hún var fengin til að semja tónlist fyrir þáttinn.”

“Some clips of the episode have also been published on YouTube. They can be viewed below. From them one can assume that the Northern Lights, elves and dwarves are a part of the story. It was earlier reported that the band Sigur Ros makes a brief appearance in the episode, in addition to being asked to write music for the episode.”

sýnis·horn n (-s,-)                     sample, clip (video)
dverg/ur m (-s,-ar)                     dwarf
semja v (acc)                           compose, write

“Þátturinn nefnist The Saga of Carl Carlsson og segir frá því þegar fjölskyldufaðirinn Homer Simpson, bareigandinn Moe, ásamt Lenny og Carl Carlsson, sem eru samstarfsfélagar Homers í kjarnorkuveri Springfield, detta í lukkupottinn og vinna stóra vinninginn í happdrætti bæjarins. Carl ákveður hins vegar að svíkja félaga sína og stingur af með allan peninginn til Íslands.”

“The episode is entitled The Saga of Carl Carlsson, and relates the story of how the father Homer Simpson, bar owner Moe, along with Lenny and Carl Carlsson who work with Homer at the Springfield nuclear power plant, get lucky and hit the jackpot in the town lottery. Carl decides however to cheat his friends and make off with all the money to Iceland.”

að svíkja – to betray, cheat
present past
ég svík sveik
þú svíkur sveikst
það svíkur sveik
við svíkjum svikum
þið svíkið svikuð
þau svíkja sviku
kjarnorku·ver n (-s,-)                 nuclear power station
detta í lukkupottinn                   get lucky
happ·drætti n (-s,-)                   lottery
svíkja v (acc)                         betray, cheat
stinga af                              make off, slip away