Apparently February is prime-time for having the sun shining right in your face while driving in Iceland, so you are advised to keep your windshield clean and wear a good pair of sunglasses!
Febrúarsólin blindar ökumenn
February sun blinds drivers
Sólgleraugu á nefi ökumanns og rúðupiss í lítravís. Þetta tvennt þarf að vera fyrir hendi þegar bíl er ekið á móti lágri febrúarsól. Þá geta aðstæður í umferðinni orðið hættulegar.
Sunglasses on a driver’s nose and plenty of wiper fluid. These two things ought to be on hand when driving into the low February sun. That’s when traffic conditions can become dangerous.
I knew the word piss existed in Icelandic, but had never seen it before outside of its usual meaning related to urination. So I was kind of surprised when I encountered the word for wiper fluid – rúðupiss. Apparently it can also be a completely neutral word for fluid or liquid, as in this case where it is combined with rúða – window pane. It seems odd to an English speaker, since it is still a semi-vulgar word to us. I looked for similar words but only came across one other of note – englapiss. This word which seems to literally translate as “angel piss” means weak coffee 🙂
Dæmi eru um banaslys hér á landi þegar ökumenn blindast af sól. Nú er að renna upp sá tími ársins þar sem sólskinið er einna varasamast. Sólin er í augnhæð þegar umferð er hvað þyngst að morgni og síðdegis.
There are examples of fatal accidents here when drivers are blinded by the sun. Now that time of year is upon us when the sunshine is most dangerous. The sun is at eye level when traffic is heaviest in the morning and afternoon.
Time running out is familiar, in Icelandic you’ll find renna út, but renna upp made me think a bit, and I settled on time being upon in this case. I imagine it could be the time has come. The sun (sólin) itself can be said to renna upp, meaning come up or rise.
Einar Magnús Magnússon, kynningarstjóri Samgöngustofu, minnir á að þá sé það einkum tvennt sem bílstjórar þurfi að huga að. Sólgleraugu og hreinar bílrúður, bæði að innan og utan. „Blessuð sólin getur haft í för með sér ákveðnar hættur. Þegar hún er lágt á lofti eins og á þessum árstíma, einkum á morgnana og síðdegis, þá er þetta gríðarlega óþægilegt og hættulegt fyrir vegfarendur, einkum ökumenn. Eins og við, sem erum á ferðinni í umferðinni, þekkjum öll þá er mjög vont þegar sólin kemur nánast í augnhæð í miðri umferð.“
Einar Magnús Magnússon, head of public relations at the Icelandic Transport Authority, reminds drivers of the only two things they need to look into – sunglasses and a clean windshield, both inside and out. “The blessed sun can cause definite danger. When it is low in the sky as it is this time of year, especially in the morning and afternoon, it is extremely uncomfortable and dangerous for travelers, particularly drivers. As all of us know who drive in traffic, it is very bad when the sun is almost right at eye level at the height of traffic.”
With kynning meaning publicity or promotion, I took a guess that a kynningarstjóri was a PR person.
If you do a search on blessuð sólin you’ll find a lot of poems 🙂
The phrase hafa í för með sér introduces the word för, which seems similar to far, but they aren’t quite the same:
Hann segir því mikilvægt að menn hafi vara á sér og geri viðeigandi ráðstafanir. En hvaða ráðstafanir eru það?
„Það kann að hljóma undarlega að eitt mikilvægasta öryggistækið undir þessum kringumstæðum eru sólgleraugu. Svo viljum við brýna fyrir mönnum að hafa rúðurnar hreinar bæði að utan sem innan. Því miður má rekja mjög alvarleg slys, meira að segja banaslys, til þess að menn hafa blindast af sól.“
He says it is important that people are careful and take the necessary precautions. But what are those precautions?
“It may sound strange but the most important safety devices under these circumstances are sunglasses. We also want to encourage people to ensure their windshields are clean, both inside and out. Sadly many serious accidents, even fatal ones, can have their causes traced back to people having been blinded by the sun.”
nef n nose varasamur adj risky, dangerous kynning f publicity, promotion minna v (acc) remind huga að e-u look into sth hafa í för með sér effect, cause, result in á·kveðinn adj certain, definite einkum adv especially, particularly við·eigandi adj appropriate ráðstöfun f measure rekja v (acc) follow, track, trace