I don’t know if it will provoke the kind of backlash that occurred when Pluto was stripped of its planet status, but according to an Icelandic glaciologist, Okjökull is no longer a jökull 🙁
„Jökullinn“ Ok er ekki lengur jökull
Ok “glacier” no longer a glacier
Okjökull, í samnefndu fjalli í Borgarfirði, telst ekki lengur vera jökull að mati Odds Sigurðssonar, jöklafræðings. Okið er þar með fyrsti nafnkunni jökull landsins til að missa þessa nafnbót.
Okjökull, on the mountain of the same name, is no longer considered to be a glacier in the estimation of glaciologist Oddur Sigurdsson. Ok becomes the first famous glacier in the country to lose that title.
There are 3 words in this paragraph that derive from nafn!
Síðustu misseri hafa verið uppi getgátur um að Ok, þessi litli en samt vel þekkti jökull, nái því ekki lengur að teljast jökull meðal jökla. Dagskrárgerðarmenn Landans fóru fyrir fáum dögum á Okið í fylgd með Oddi Sigurðssyni jöklafræðingi til að hann gæti metið hvort Ok teldist vera jökull eður ei.
The past six months have been a guessing game about Ok, this small but well-known glacier, no longer to be considered a glacier among glaciers. A few days ago program directors for Landinn accompanied glaciologist Oddur Sigurdsson to Ok so he could determine whether Ok could be considered a glacier or not.
Landinn is a television program on RÚV that you can watch online, check it out! According to the dictionary landi has the meaning of fellow countryman, as well as moonshine 🙂
Jöklar þurfa að uppfylla ákveðin skilyrði. „Það er í fyrsta lagi að vera nógu þykkir til að hníga undan eigin fargi og til þess þurfa þeir að vera 40 til 50 metra þykkir og því nær þessi jökull alls ekki,“ segir Oddur.
Glaciers need to meet certain requirements. “First and foremost they need to be thick enough to move under their own weight, and in order to do that they need to be 40 or 50 meters thick, which this glacier doesn’t even approach,” says Oddur.
So sadly it appears that our beloved Iceland has one fewer glacier than before 🙁
jökull m glacier, ice cap samnefndur adj having the same name; eponymous fjall n mountain teljast v be counted as, considered mat n evaluation, assessment nafn·kunnur adj famous nafnbót f title misseri n semester, six months get·gáta f guess, conjecture dagskrárgerð f programming (radio, television) vera í fylgd með accompany meta v evaluate, appraise eður ei or not upp·fylla v fulfil á·kveðinn adj certain, determined skil·yrði n condition, stipulation hníga v fall, sink farg n pressure, weight