It looks like the Bengal cats which were stolen last week have been found and safely returned to their owner 🙂

Stolnu bengalkettirnir komnir heim
Stolen Bengal Cats Return Home

Þrír bengalkettir, sem stolið var af bænum Nátthaga í Ölfusi í síðustu viku, eru komnir heim. Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu hafði upp á kattaþjófunum og sótti kettina í hús nokkuð í Reykjavík í kvöld. Eigandi þeirra gat svo sótt þá til lögreglunnar.

Three Bengal cats, which were stolen from the town of Nátthagi in Ölfus last week, have returned home. Capital area police found the cat thieves and fetched the cats from a house in Reykjavik this evening. Their owner was able to retrieve the cats from the police.

köttur (m) – cat
singular plural
nom köttur kettir
acc kött ketti
dat ketti köttum
gen kattar katta
þjófur (m) – thief
singular plural
nom þjófur þjófar
acc þjóf þjófa
dat þjóf þjófum
gen þjófs þjófa

There are 2 interesting phrases in this paragraphs, one is hafa upp(i) á, meaning to find or catch someone. The other is sækja til, which might be a little confusing, since in English you usually get/fetch something from someone/somewhere, but here you use the preposition til, which usually has the meaning to.

Ólafur Sturla Njálsson, eigandi kattanna og bóndi á Nátthaga, segir að kettirnir, tvær læður og fress, séu ómeiddir, en nokkuð hvekktir, sérstaklega læðurnar. Þeir hafi horast nokkuð og líklega ekki borðað mikið síðustu daga. Að öðru leyti virðist ekki hafa verið farið illa með þá. Þeir hafi allir þekkt eiganda sinn aftur og brugðist vel við endurfundunum.

Ólafur Sturla Njálsson, owner of the cats and farmer in Nátthagi, says the cats, two females and a male, are unharmed, but a bit agitated, particularly the females. They’ve lost a bit of weight and likely haven’t eaten much the past few days. On the other hand they don’t appear to have been mistreated. They all recognized their owner and have responded well to the reunion.

læða (f) – female cat
singular plural
nom læða læður
acc læðu læður
dat læðu læðum
gen læðu læða
fress (n) – tomcat (male cat)
singular plural
nom fress fress
acc fress fress
dat fressi fressum
gen fress fressa

If you need another word for cat, I found bleyða, which seems to be a synonym for læða – I’m pretty sure there are a few more.

There is also a verb læðast which means sneak or prowl – not sure if the words are related, but I have seen it use to describe cats 🙂

Upphaflega var talið að þjófurinn eða þjófarnir, sem brutust inn í kattarými í skemmu við Nátthaga á miðvikudag, hefðu stolið þaðan fjórum köttum. Degi síðar komst þó í ljós að fressið Kiss me hafði komist undan, og falið sig undir sófa.

Initially it was believed that the thief or thieves, who had broken into the cat enclosure in a storehouse in Nátthagi on Wednesday, had stolen four cats. The next day it came to light that the male Kiss Me had escaped capture, and hidden under the sofa.

hafa upp á + dat               find, catch
sækja e-ð til e-rs             get sth from sby 
hvekkja v                      annoy, fret, rile
fress n                        tomcat
læða f                         female cat
ó·meiddur                      uninjured, unhurt
horast v                       get thin
endur·fundur m                 reunion
skemma f                       storehouse 
rými n                         space, room
komast undan                   escape
fela v                         hide, conceal