
Not one of the 18 entries in this year’s children’s book competition in Iceland was worthy of consideration, according to this article in RÚV. The award has been handed out every year since 1986, except for 1999 and 2005, when a similar situation arose and no prize was given. The deadline for next year’s competition is the beginning of February 2014, and authors are encouraged to prepare from now 🙂

Engin bók nógu góð – No Book Good Enough

Let’s look at the first paragraph:

“Dómnefnd Íslensku barnabókaverðlaunanna hefur rýnt vel í þau átján handrit sem bárust í samkeppnina að þessu sinni en þótti ekkert þeirra henta sem verðlaunasaga og því verða verðlaunin ekki veitt í ár. Þessi staða hefur tvisvar áður komið upp.”

“The selection committee for the Icelandic Children’s Book Award has carefully reviewed the 18 manuscripts that were entered into the competition this time, but found none of them worthy of the award, and so it will not be given out this year. This situation has arisen twice previously”

I don’t think I’d ever come across the first verb:

að rýna – to review, scrutinize
present past
ég rýni rýndi
þú rýnir rýndir
það rýni rýndi
við rýnum rýndum
þið rýnið rýnduð
þau rýna rýndu

It seems to occur a lot with the preposition í, with the meaning of review:
Hann rýndi í bók. – He pored over a book.
Gagnrýnandi rýndi í myndina. – The critic reviewed the movie.
Hún rýndi í plötu. – She reviewed a record (music).

The verb að veita means to give in the sense of award, grant, hand over, etc:

að veita – to grant, give, offer
present past
ég veiti veitti
þú veitir veittir
það veiti veitti
við veitum veittum
þið veitið veittuð
þau veita veittu

Verðlaunin verða ekki veitt í ár. – The award will not be given this year.
Bankinn veitti honum lán. – The bank gave him a loan.
Eftirlitsmyndavélar eru víða án þess að við veitum þeim athygli. – Security cameras are everywhere without us noticing them.

At the end of the paragraph you see the word for twicetvisvar. There is also a separate word for three times (thrice)þrisvar. Otherwise you can use the word sinn in the dative (along with the number) – einu sinni, fjórum sinnum, fimm sinnum, etc.

The second paragraph has several interesting expressions, such as

að undanskildum árunum 1999 og 2005 – except for the years 1999 and 2005

This is from the verb undanskilja:

að undanskilja – to except, exclude
present past
ég undanskil undanskildi
þú undanskilur undanskildir
það undanskilur undanskildi
við undanskiljum undanskildum
þið undanskilið undanskilduð
þau undanskilja undanskildu

Specifically in the text it is the past participle that is used, which is treated as an adjective.

þegar sama var upp á teningnum og nú is an expression meaning when the same thing happened, or the same outcome occurred. It features the word teningar – dice. So there’s the image of a throw of the dice, having the same result come up.

skrifa bak við eyrað means to take note of something, so in the sentence:

“Næsti skilafrestur í samkeppnina verður í byrjun febrúar 2014 og eru allir þeir sem luma á handriti eða hugmynd að barnabók hvattir til að skrifa þá dagsetningu á bak við eyrað og nýta tímann vel.”

“The deadline for the next competition is at the beginning of February 2014, and all those with a manuscript or an idea for a children’s book tucked away somewhere are encouraged to make a note of that date and use the time well.”

dóm·nefnd f (-ar,-ir)		panel of judges, committee
sam·keppni f indecl		competition
verð·laun n pl			prize, award
skilafrestur			deadline
þyk/ja v (þótti,þótt)		be regarded, considered
at·hygli f indecl		attention, alertness
tening/ur m (-s,-ar)		cube, die
nýt/a v (acc) (-ti,-t)		utilize
hvetja v (acc) (hvatti,hvatt)	encourage, urge

It’s amazing how such a short text can have so many interesting words and phrases 🙂