If you like to ski, the season in Iceland should be starting soon (I tried to ski once about 30 years ago), as this article from RÚV indicates. Snow production at Hlíðarfjall, one of Iceland’s main ski spots, has begun 🙂

Snjóframleiðsla hafin í Hlíðarfjalli
Snow production begun at Hlíðarfjall

Byrjað var að framleiða snjó í Hlíðarfjalli um helgina, en á facebooksíðu fjallsins segir að fimm gráðu frost hafi þurft í nokkra daga svo hægt væri að fara af stað.

Snow began to be produced at Hlíðarfjall this weekend, but the mountain’s Facebook page indicated that a few days of five-degree-below-freezing temperatures would be needed to get going.

Miðað við veðurspá stefnir í ágætis framleiðslu á næstunni. Gangi allt eftir verður skíðasvæðið opnað í lok mánaðarins.

If the weather forecast is any indication there should be excellent snow-making ahead. If all goes as expected the ski area should open at the end of the month.

I guess the main takeaway from the article is the word framleiðsla, which here is paired with the word for snow, but can also be used for just about anything you might want to produce, from iron (járn·framleiðsla) to chickens (kjúklinga·framleiðsla) 🙂

As you might expect, there is also a verb form:

að framleiða – to produce, manufacture
present past
ég framleiði framleiddi
þú framleiðir framleiddir
það framleiðir framleiddi
við framleiðum framleiddum
þið framleiðið framleidduð
þau framleiða framleiddu
framleiðsla (f) – production, manufacture
singular plural
nom framleiðsla
acc framleiðslu
dat framleiðslu
gen framleiðslu

The only other thing of note was the phrase gangi allt eftir, whose meaning I inferred from the dictionary entry

það gekk ekki eftirit did not turn out as expected

Also note that gangi is the subjunctive form, I imagine due to the uncertainty implied.

fram·leiðsla f          production, manufacture
veður·spá f             weather forecast
á·gæti n                excellence, merit, distinction
svæði n                 area, zone
á næstunni              in the near future