A volcanologist studying the eruption at Holahraun has likened the thickness of the flowing lava to natural honey. Really, really, really hot honey 🙂
Seigjan í kvikunni á við ekta hunang
Lava thickness like honey
Seigjan í kvikunni í Holuhrauni er á við ekta hunang, segir Haraldur Sigurðsson eldfjallafræðingur. Hann hefur nýtt sér mælingar Jarðvísindastofnunar Háskóla Íslands til þess að reikna út hitastig og seigju kvikunnar.
The viscosity of the lava flow in Holahraun is comparable to raw honey, says volcanologist Haraldur Sigurðsson. He has examined the measurements by the Institute of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland in order to calculate the temperature and viscosity of the lava.
Viscosity is probably the most formal way to express seigja, more simply it means thickness, in a liquid sense. Ekta does not decline, and can have several different expressions, like real, genuine, authentic. I even use raw below in reference to honey. Both viscosity and honey happen to be words that only appear in the singular:
„Og þá kemur það í ljós að hitastigið er um 1.175 stig. Okkur finnst það ansi heitt en það er bara algengur hiti á hraunum. Eins og til dæmis hrauninu sem gaus á Fimmvörðuhálsi. Annars er seigjan mjög svipuð og seigjan á svona ekta hunangi. Ekki hunangi sem er búið að bæta vatni út í, heldur ekta hunangi. Hún er dálítið minni, eða lægri, heldur en tómatsósa. Svo þetta er lapþunnt, þessi kvika þegar hún er niðri í jörðinni” segir Haraldur.
“And so it was determined that the temperature is about 1,175 degrees. That seems quite hot to us, but is fairly normal for lava. For example the lava that erupted from Fimmvörðuháls. Otherwise the viscosity is very similar to that of natural honey. Not honey that has had water added to it, but raw honey. It is a bit less, or lower, than tomato sauce. So it is runny, this lava, when it is underground,” says Haraldur.
I couldn’t really find lapþunnur anywhere, I think it comes from lepja (to lap, lap up), meaning something thin like animal feed or porridge?
seigja f thickness, viscosity hunang n honey kvika f magma ekta adj real, genuine reikna v calculate, compute hita·stig n degree (of heat) hraun n lava, lava field