

If you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes 🙂 They say this in many places, but here’s some visual evidence about the famed fast-changing weather in Iceland. This article from RÚV has a picture from the morning with snow all around, followed by an afternoon shot of the sun shining and no snow in sight. All from 24 April 🙂

Ótrúlegar myndir af veðrabreytingum – Unbelievable Pictures of Weather Change

“Ótrúlegar veðrabreytingar hafa orðið í dag eins og sést glögglega á myndum sem fréttamaður RÚV tók út um glugga í Útvarpshúsinu með nokkurra klukkustunda millibili.”

“Unbelievable weather change occured today as can clearly be seen in the photos taken by a journalist from RÚV out of a window in the broadcast studio over a period of a few hours.”

“Það snjóaði í morgun, göngustígar höfuðborgarinnar voru ruddir og allir saltbílar borgarinnar voru að störfum.”

“It snowed this morning, the sidewalks were cleared and all of the salt trucks were operating.”

“En skjótt skipast veður í lofti. Það á sannarlega við um daginn í dag. Eftir hádegi var snjórinn á bak og burt og sól farin að skína.”

“But the weather above changes quickly. This certainly applies today. After noon the snow was left behind and the sun had come out.”

ó·trúlegur adj			unbelievable
glögg·lega adv			clearly, distinctly
milli·bil n (-s,-)		space, interval
göngu·stíg/ur m (-s,-ar)	footpath, pathway 
ryðja v (acc/dat)		clear 
skjótt adv			soon, promptly
sannar·lega adv			truly, really

Tomorrow is celebrated as the first day of summer in Iceland, and apparently crazy weather like this is an indicator of a great summer ahead 🙂