
Even back when the cold and rainy June weather was happening in Iceland, the news was reporting that outdoor grill sales were strong. Now with the sun and warm weather everywhere, the fire department would like to remind those “grill-happy” Icelanders to be careful with the gas tanks 🙂

Fóru of geyst í grillið
Rush to grill

Tvö útköll bárust slökkviliðinu á höfuðborgarsvæðinu með skömmu millibili í kvöld vegna elds sem kviknaði út frá grilli. Að sögn vakthafandi slökkviliðsmanns var um minniháttar bruna að ræða í báðum tilfellum, og gerðist ekki þörf fyrir aðstoð slökkviliðs þegar það bar að garði.

Two emergency calls reached the capital-area fire department in short succession tonight for a fire that started from a grill. According to the fireman on shift they were minor fires in both cases, and didn’t require assistance from the fire department once they arrived on the scene.

The phrase of geyst was new for me; it seems to mean too fast, or in haste.

I notice vakthafandi a lot in the news, whether it’s police, fire or hospital staff. Literally it’s having the watch – so the person on duty, on shift at the time.

vakt (f) – shift, watch
singular plural
nom vakt vaktir
acc vakt vaktir
dat vakt vöktum
gen vaktar vakta
þörf (f) – need, use
singular plural
nom þörf þarfir
acc þörf þarfir
dat þörf þörfum
gen þarfar þarfa

Slökkviliðið vill engu að síður brýna fyrir grillglöðum Íslendingum að fara gætilega með gaskúta og grill, og þá sérstaklega verja leiðslur úr gaskútum fyrir hnjaski.

The fire department nevertheless wants to impress upon grill-happy Icelanders to be careful with the gas tank and grill, and especially protect the gas-lines from damage.

Yes, grillglöðum was the word that caught my attention in this article 🙂 I guess you can make this compound with most anything (grill·glaður would be the nominative masculine form). This is one of those words that in English would have a hyphen (whatever-happy) but in Icelandic this isn’t the case.

að brýna – to encourage, urge
present past
ég brýni brýndi
þú brýnir brýndir
það brýnir brýndi
við brýnum brýndum
þið brýnið brýnduð
þau brýna brýndu
að verja – to protect, defend
present past
ég ver varði
þú verð varðir
það ver varði
við verjum vörðum
þið verjið vörðuð
þau verja vörðu

So careful with the explosive cylinders full of propane while grilling your pylsur and hamborgara 🙂

fara geyst                go fast
útkall (n)                emergency call
milli·bil (n)             space, interval
bruni (m)                 fire
til·felli (n)             case, occurrence
bera að garði             turn up
engu að síður             nevertheless, still
brýna v (acc)             encourage, urge
gætilega adv              carefully
gas·kútur (m)             gas cylinder
verja v                   protect, defend
leiðsla (f)               pipe, conduit
hnjask (n)                harsh treatment