Fun on the farm with six hungry lambs 🙂
Erfitt að gefa sex lömbum að drekka
Difficult giving six lambs something to drink
Bústörfin geta verið krefjandi þegar gefa þarf sex þyrstum lömbum að drekka á sama tíma. Þetta hafa tvær átta ára stúlkur reynt undanfarnar vikur, en þær nota meðal annars sérstakan pela með þremur stútum.
Farm work can be demanding when you have to give six thirsty lambs something to drink at the same time. Two eight-year-old girls have tried this in recent weeks, using among other things a special bottle with three spouts.
It’s hard to decide whether to translate directly and say “giving them something to drink” or just say “feed”. I don’t know why we have a verb for giving food but not drink 🙂 I guess you sometimes find water used as a verb for animals, but it didn’t seem right here.
Embla Björg Sigurðardóttir og Inga Dan Ingadóttir hafa aðstoðað nágranna sína í Vestmannaeyjum við umönnun sex lamba. Lömbin voru tekin í fóstur þar sem þau höfðu átt erfitt uppdráttar, sum í Bjarnarey, önnur á Heimaey. Fjörið hefst fyrir alvöru þegar lömbunum er gefin mjólk að drekka. Stúlkurnar segja að þá verði lömbin mjög æst og geti brotið hluti.
Embla Björg Sigurðardóttir and Inga Dan Ingadóttir have been helping their neighbors in the Westman Islands with the care of six lambs. The lambs were taken into foster care when they had a difficult time, some in Bjarnarey, others in Heimaey. The fun really begins when the lambs are given milk to drink. The girls say that’s when the lambs get very excited and can break things.
The word uppdráttur has meanings of sketch, plan or map – here we see it used in an expression meaning have a difficult time – eiga erfitt uppdráttar. I also thought it was interesting to find two words that only have singular forms in the same paragraph. 🙂
þyrstur adj thirsty undanfarinn adj previous, past sérstakur adj special, unusual peli m small bottle, flask stútur m bottle-neck, spout að·stoða v help, aid, assist um·önnun f care eiga erfitt uppdráttar have a difficult time fjör n fun, excitement æstur adj excited, aroused