It was mainly the word tölvusneiðmyndatæki that caught my attention, as you might well imagine 🙂 Apparently there was a brief period where both of the Landspitali CT scanners were not functioning, but one was repaired right away and the other scheduled for the next day. Just a short news story about the repairs, but there are a couple of interesting language points as well.
Viðgerð lokið á tölvusneiðmyndatæki
Repairs completed on CT scanner
Viðgerð er lokið á tölvusneiðmyndatæki Landspítalans við Hringbraut en það bilaði um klukkan hálf þrjú í dag. Hitt tölvusneiðmyndatæki spítalans í Fossvogi hefur verið bilað undanfarna fimm daga, það er aðeins nokkurra ára gamalt en búist er við að viðgerð á því ljúki á morgun.
Repairs are finished on the CT scanner at Landspitali on Hringbraut, which broke down around 2:30 today. The hospital’s other CT scanner in Fossvogur has been broken for the past 5 days; it is only a few years old and repairs are expected to be completed tomorrow.
At first I thought it was talking about an MRI, but I believe it is a CT machine. Both are a form of sneiðmyndataka, which if we break the word apart is essentially taking pictures in slices, which is exactly what it does 🙂 The word sneið is used for a cut or slice of something (like bread), and tölva is computer.
Í tilkynningu frá Landspítala segir að framkvæmdastjórn spítalans hafi boðað til skyndifundar í dag þegar í ljós kom að bæði tækin voru biluð. Þeir sjúklingar sem þurftu að myndatöku að halda fengu hana án tafar í Orkuhúsinu og gerðar voru ráðstafanir til að tryggja öryggi sjúklinga eins og unnt var við þessar óvenjulegu aðstæður, segir í tilkynningu frá Landspítalanum.
A statement from Landspitali says that the hospital executive board called an emergency meeting today when it became known that both machines were broken. Patients who needed scans got them without delay at Orkuhusid, and steps were taken to ensure the safety of patients as much as possible in these unusual circumstances, it says in the statement.
I don’t know if “emergency meeting” is exactly right, skyndi- usually means something that is done quickly or on short notice (consider skyndi·lega – suddenly), so it might be ok in this context. I also thought án tafar was an interesting phrase to pick up.
I think I got eins og unnt var right, but it was a little confusing. As far as I know unnt comes from að unna – to love. But there was an example in the dictionary (ef mér er unnt – if I possibly can) that I used as the basis of my translation.
You can read more about Tölvusneiðmyndir on the Landspitali site 🙂
við·gerð f repair, fixing tölva f computer sneið f cut, slice mynd f picture tæki n device, machine bila v fail, break down undan·farinn adj previous, past ljúka v (dat) finish til·kynning f notice, announcement framkvæmda·stjórn f executive board sjúklingur m patient öryggi n safety, security að·stæður f pl conditions, circumstances