Of all the places alcohol is not served, it really seems like 35,000 feet should be one of them 🙂 Just another air-hooligan story…nothing to see here.

[update] It looks like the story I linked to changed the title to “Sagðist vera með sprengju um borð“…but it was originally the flugdólgar title 🙂

Flugdólgar handteknir í Keflavík
Air-rowdies arrested in Keflavik

Fyrr í vikunni handtók Lögreglan á Suðurnesjum kærustupar vegna dólgsláta um borð í flugvél sem lenti á Keflavíkurflugvelli.

Earlier in the week police in Suðurnes arrested a couple for a disruption on board an airplane that landed at the Keflavik airport.

Ah, the fun of trying to translate flugdólgar…many have tried, most just punt like I did 🙂 There isn’t really a single word in English that conveys the meaning, we usually just spell it all out like “people who caused a disturbance on a plane”… It’s nice to have all that meaning stuffed into one word 🙂 The word dólgur is in the dictionary as bully or ruffian, which we don’t normally use in this context, but I think the main point is that it isn’t just a person causing a disturbance, but also acting in a threatening manner.

Flugstjórinn tók þá ákvörðun að parið færi ekki lengra með vélinni sem er í eigu írska flugfélagsins Aer Lingus. Samkvæmt tilkynningu frá lögreglunni var það einkum konan sem hafði sig í frammi. Lét hún öllum illum látum, var ógnandi og sagðist vera með sprengju um borð.

The pilot decided the pair would not continue on the plane, which is owned by Irish carrier Aer Lingus. According to police the woman was especially belligerent. She was out of control, threatening, and said there was a bomb on board.

að ógna – to threaten
present past
ég ógna ógnaði
þú ógnar ógnaðir
það ógnar ógnaði
við ógnum ógnuðum
þið ógnið ógnuðuð
þau ógna ógnuðu
ákvörðun (f) – decision
singular plural
nom ákvörðun ákvarðanir
acc ákvörðun ákvarðanir
dat ákvörðun ákvörðunum
gen ákvörðunar ákvarðana

I´m not completely sure about hafa sig í frammi – the dictionary has the meaning to carry one’s own weight, which may be one meaning, but here it seems to mean that the woman was acting the worst of the two.

The phrase láta öllum illum látum is a good one to be able to recognize. Goes great with Láttu ekki svona! 🙂

Hún var ölvuð og í uppnámi þegar lögreglumenn náðu í hana. Maðurinn var einnig undir áhrifum áfengis en sýnu rólegri. Missætti er talið hafa verið undirrót ólátanna. Fólkið var vistað á lögreglustöð meðan rann af því en var látið laust eftir skýrslutökur.

She was intoxicated and upset when police took her into custody. The man was also under the influence of alcohol, but was much calmer. A misunderstanding An argument is said to have been the cause of the disturbance. The couple was held at the police station to sober up and set free after a report was taken.

At first I didn’t catch sýnu rólegri, but here sýnu is used in a similar manner to enn or mun with a comparative, adding the meaning much. It comes from the adjective sýnnvisible, clear.

And finally the phrase að renna af + dative was new for me, meaning to sober up!

dólgur m                   bully, ruffian
einkum adv                 especially, particularly
upp·nám n                  confusion, disorder
mis·sætti n                disagreement
læti n pl                  hullabaloo, tumult, noise
láta öllum illum látum     behave badly
ölv/aður adj               intoxicated, drunk
ó·læti n pl                row, racket
undir·rót f                cause, reason