Fortunately nobody was seriously injured when a bus slid off the road on the way from Akureyri to Husavik. That hálka is vicious!
Slasaðist þegar strætisvagn fór á hliðina
Injured when bus turned over
Beita þurfti klippum til að ná vagnstjóra út úr strætisvagni sem lenti utan vegar og fór á hliðina á leiðinni til Húsavíkur skömmu fyrir klukkan tíu í morgun. Vagnstjórinn hlaut áverka og var fluttur með sjúkrabíl til aðhlynningar á sjúkrahúsi.
A driver had to be cut out of a bus which went off the road and landed on its side while on its way to Husavik just before 10 o’clock this morning. The driver was injured and taken by ambulance for treatment at the hospital.
There are quite a few compounds formed with sjúkra-, which adds a meaning related to medical/hospital terms. Some examples:
sjúkra·bætur f pl sick pay
sjúkra·börur f pl stretcher
sjúkra·kassi m first-aid kit
sjúkra·trygging f health insurance
Einn farþegi var í vagninum og slapp hann án meiðsla. Lögregla fór þó með hann á sjúkrahús til skoðunar. Strætisvagninn var á leið frá Akureyri til Húsavíkur þegar slysið átti sér stað. Ferðinni sem fara átti frá Húsavík klukkan hálf ellefu var aflýst vegna slyssins.
One passenger was on the bus and escaped without harm. Police went with him to the hospital for evaluation. The bus was on the way from Akureyri to Husavik when the accident took place. The trip scheduled from Husavik at 10:30 was cancelled due to the accident.
I’ve probably pointed it out before, but note that even when a past participle (adjective form) of a verb is used, the noun will still take the case that verb governs. This is why it’s “Ferðinni…var aflýst…“, with ferð in the dative, which can be deduced by the definite article ending -inni. If you are at the airport and see “aflýst” next to your flight number, get comfortable 🙂
beita v (dat) use, employ, apply á·verki m wound sleppa v get away, escape skoðun f examination ferð f trip, journey af·lýsa v (dat) cancel, call off