Vonskuveður indeed. Most of Iceland was hit by a large snowstorm Wednesday, which wreaked havoc with the roads of course. The Facebook feed for the capital area police (Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu) had this among other notifications:

“Við viljum biðja eigendur þeirra ökutækja sem voru skilin eftir föst í dag, að gera ráðstafanir hið allra fyrsta til að sækja bílana. Nú er að hefjast snjóruðningur og gríðarlega mikilvægt að fastir bílar tefji ekki hreinsun gatna.”

Roughly translated:

We ask that the owners of those cars which were abandoned after becoming stuck today take measures to recover them as soon as possible. Snow removal is beginning and it is extremely important that stuck cars do not interfere with the cleaning of the streets.

Lots of cool terms in this one 🙂

öku·tæki n (-s, -)			vehicle
ráð/stöfun f (-stöfunar, -stafanir)	measure, action
hið allra fyrsta			as soon as possible
fastur adj (f föst)			fixed, stuck
tefja v (acc) (tafði, tafið)		delay, obstruct
hreins/un f (-unar, -anir)		cleansing, cleaning

I don’t think I’d run into tefja before:

tefja v (acc) – delay, obstruct
present past
ég tef tafði
þú tefur tafðir
það tefur tafðir
við tefjum töfðum
þið tefjið töfðuð
þau tefja töfðu

The form in the text (tefji) is actually in the present subjunctive, fyi 🙂

The last sentence was unique in the use of the genitive plural of gata (street):

gata (f) – street, way, path
singular plural
nom gata götur
acc götu götur
dat götu götum
gen götu gatna

hreinsun gatna – cleaning of the streets

Stay safe and warm, Iceland!