
There are two new pedestrian and bicycle bridges being built over the Elliðaár rivers in Reykjavik. They have a really cool pyramid shape and look like little suspension bridges 🙂 They were designed by Teiknistofan Tröð and should be completed before the end of the month!

Brýr yfir Elliðaár
Bridges over Elliðaár

Vinna við gerð nýs göngu- og hjólreiðastígs sem liggur um norðanvert Geirsnef í Reykjavík er langt komin. Stefnt er að verklokum eftir miðjan mánuð.

Work on construction of new walking and bike paths which run along the northern side of Geirsnef in Reykjavik is well underway. The goal is to finish around mid-month.

According to Vísindavefurinn, Elliðaár were named after a boat belonging to a certain Ketilbjörn from the settlement period 🙂

I had forgotten that brú had such a strange declension, which is what attracted me to the article in the first place, when I saw the headline.

brú (f) – bridge
singular plural
nom brú brýr
acc brú brýr
dat brú brúm
gen brúar brúa
á (f) – river
singular plural
nom á ár
acc á ár
dat á ám
gen ár áa

From what I was able to find, it seems like Geirsnef is an off-leash dog park, among other things.

Verið er að leggja nýjan göngu- og hjólastíg milli Vogahverfis og Grafarvogs í Reykjavík og brýrnar tvær eru hluti hans. Þær eru 36 metrar að lengd hvor og ná burðarrammar brúnna, hyrnurnar, í átján metra hæð. Efnt var til samkeppni um útlit og útfærslu á brúm og stígum og vann teiknistofan Tröð fyrstu verðlaun.

A new walking and bike path is being built between Vogahverfi and Grafarvogur in Reykjavik and the two bridges are a part of it. They are each 36 meters long and are attached to the frame of the bridge, a pyramid, at a height of 18 meters. A competition was held to determine the appearance and implementation of the bridges and paths, with the design firm Tröð winning first prize.

You can check out more about the design at the Tröð website – lots of pictures of this project and many others they’ve worked on.

I couldn’t exactly find burðarrammar, but it seemed to have to do with the structural frame of the bridge if you break it into burðar·rammi, with burður having to do with load or weight, and rammi being frame.

að efna – to carry out
present past
ég efni efndi
þú efnir efndir
það efnir efndi
við efnum efndum
þið efnið efnduð
þau efna efndu
samkeppni (f) – competition
singular plural
nom samkeppni samkeppnir
acc samkeppni samkeppnir
dat samkeppni samkeppnum
gen samkeppni samkeppna

Stígurinn á milli brúnna er 280 metrar og verður hann afgirtur frá svæði sem hundaeigendur nota til að seppar þeirra geti sprett úr spori. Hlið verða þó á girðingunni þannig að stígurinn verði aðgengilegur fyrir hunda og menn.

The path between the bridges is 280 meters long and will be fenced off from the area that dog owners use to let their dogs run around. There will be a gate in the fence so that the path is accessible to dogs and people.

I don’t remember ever seeing the word seppi for dog before, only hundur 🙂 The phrase að spretta úr spori seems to mean to run around or run fast, like a dog loose at a park I guess.

að afgirða – to fence off/in
present past
ég afgirði afgirti
þú afgirðir afgirtir
það afgirðir afgirti
við afgirðum afgirtum
þið afgirðið afgirtuð
þau afgirða afgirtu
girðing (f) – fence
singular plural
nom girðing girðingar
acc girðingu girðingar
dat girðingu girðingum
gen girðingar girðinga

Talsverð umferð gangandi og hjólandi er yfir Elliðaárnar nær ósunum og var orðið þröng á þingi á gömlu brúnum þar sem bílaumferð bættist einnig við. Nýi stígurinn verður tilbúinn síðar í mánuðinum. Reykjavíkurborg og Vegagerðin skipta kostnaðinum jafnt á milli sín – 270 milljónum króna.

There is a significant amount of walking and bike traffic over the rivers near the mouth, and it had gotten very crowded on the old bridges since there was also car traffic. The new path will be ready later in the month. The City of Reykjavik and the Icelandic Road Administration split the costs between them – 270 million krona.

norðan·verður adj             north side
hyrna f                       (pyramid-shaped) carton
burður m                      load, burden
rammi m                       frame
út·færsla f                   execution
teikni·stofa f                design studio
af·girða v                    fence off/in
seppi m                       dog
hlið n                        gate
girðing f                     fence
að·gengilegur adj             accessible
tals·verður adj               considerable, significant
ós m                          estuary, mouth (of a river)
þröng á þingi                 crowded, crowd of people