
I have a hard time passing up a story about a cat, especially one named Boris Yeltsin 🙂 It seems that Boris caught himself a bird, dragged it into the house and then deposited it into his owner’s bedroom, and well, who needs an alarm clock when you have that?

Boris Jeltsín veiddi rjúpu í Skagafirði
Boris Yeltsin Caught a Ptarmigan in Skagafjörður

“Eigandi kattarins Jóhann Jakobsson vaknaði upp við það eldsnemma morguns fyrir helgi, að kisi hafði gómað rjúpu, þvælt henni inn um glugga, í gegnum eldhús og borðstofu og sleppti henni í síðan í svefnherberginu. Þar vakti hún upp og flaug um og skeit meðal annars á kodda bónda.”

“The owner of the cat, Johann Jakobsson, woke up bright and early one morning this weekend to find that his cat had caught a ptarmigan, dragged it in the window, through the kitchen and dining room, and then dropped it off in his bedroom. There the bird woke up and proceeded to fly all around, crapping on his pillow among other things.”

I actually couldn’t find a definite translation of þvæla or góma, so if anyone has better ones let me know 🙂

að veiða – to catch, hunt
present past
ég veiði veiddi
þú veiðir veiddir
það veiðir veiddi
við veiðum veiddum
þið veiðið veidduð
þau veiða veiddu

Johann caught the bird and carried it outside, where he released it. After his ordeal, he wondered just how such an act of mercy would be repaid, and as it turns out, later that day he met a man who gave him a few fish. An Icelandic tale of karma I guess 🙂

uppátækjasamir			mischievous
söngvinn			musical
kló f (-ar,klær)		claw, talon
frelsi n (-s)			freedom
skapar/i m (-a,-ar)		creator
guðsþakkarverk			act of mercy
viti menn			guess what?
gauk/a v (dat) (-aði) 		give someone something
rauð·mag/i m (-a,-ar) 		lumpfish