Landspítali has claimed the first baby of 2015 in Iceland, a girl born at 3:54 this morning 🙂
Fyrsta barn ársins fæddist á Landspítala
First baby of the year born at University Hospital
Fyrsta barn ársins fæddist á fæðingarvakt Landspítalans klukkan 3:54 í morgun. Það er stúlka sem vegur rúm þrjú kíló og er 49 sentimentrar á lengd. Samkvæmt upplýsingum frá Landspítalanum heilsast móður og barni vel.
The first baby of the year was born at University Hospital at 3:54 this morning. It’s a girl who weighs about 3 kilos and is 49 centimeters long. According to information from the hospital mother and child are doing well.
The verb vega has an interesting past tense, similar to vefa (to weave).
Note that heilsast is impersonal and takes the dative – barni gives a clue 🙂
Að minnsta kosti tvö börn fæddust á landsbyggðinni á ellefta og tólfta tímanum í gærkvöld en samkvæmt upplýsingum fréttastofu fæddist fyrsta barn ársins rétt fyrir klukkan fjögur í nótt í Reykjavík.
At least two babies were born in the country around 11 and 12 last night, but according to news sources the first baby of the year was born just before 4am in Reykjavik.
fæðast to be born vega to weigh sam·kvæmt prep (dat) according to heilsast to be doing/feeling (health-wise) lands·byggð f country, countryside