
A census of Iceland from 1703 was recommended for inclusion in the Memory of the World Register, a UNESCO list of registered world heritage. The census was conducted by Árni Magnússon and Páll Vídalín, and determined that Iceland had a population of 50,366 people at the time.

Manntal Íslands frá 1703 á lista Unesco
Icelandic census from 1703 on UNESCO list

Manntal Árna Magnússonar og Páls Vídalín, frá árinu 1703, var í dag samþykkt á lista Unesco, Menningarstofnunar Sameinuðu þjóðanna, yfir minni heimsins.

Arni Magnusson and Pall Vidalin’s census from 1703 was accepted for inclusion today in the UNESCO (United Nations Cultural Institute) Memory of the World list.

The word for census isn’t too hard to follow; mann coming from maður, and tal the word for number, count.

Á þessum lista eru um þrjúhundruð merk skjöl en markmiðið með honum er að hinn skráði menningararfur sé varðveittur að fullu og aðgengilegur öllum. Manntalið er elsta nákvæma manntal sem enn er varðveitt í heiminum.

About 300 important documents on on this list, whose purpose is to completely preserve the catalogued heritage and make it accessible to all. The census is the oldest complete census still preserved in the world.

I had seen skjal before; it’s another of the nouns that makes its plural with the a -> ö shift (like barn -> börn).

singular plural
nom skjal skjöl
acc skjal skjöl
dat skjali skjölum
gen skjals skjala
að varðveita – to preserve
present past
ég varðveiti varðveitti
þú varðveitir varðveittir
það varðveitir varðveitti
við varðveitum varðveittum
þið varðveitið varðveittuð
þau varðveita varðveittu

The UNESCO article uses the word “nominal census”, which is one that list all members of the household, so nákvæmur has a specific meaning in this instance.

manntal (n)                   census
sam·þykkja v (acc)            agree, approve
stofnun (f)                   institution, institute
merkur adj                    important, distinguished
mark·mið (n)                  goal, aim, purpose, objective
menningararfur (m)            heritage
að fullu                      in full, completely
að·gengilegur adj             accessible
ná·kvæmur adj                 exact, precise
varð·veita v (acc)            keep safe, preserve

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